What is the PDI-Cloud Manger user role? What level of Cloud access is this user granted?
Owners of PDI-Cloud compatible devices can maintain the security and organization of their cloud by designating one representative as Manager. The Manager is granted full access to user information and data within the company’s domain. For each client domain, there can only be one Manager.
Once the client assigns an individual as Manager, it must notify their PDI Sales Representative of the designation. This notification must include the Cloud Manager’s email and contact information. In turn, a PDI representative will register the Manager to the client’s PDI-Cloud Portal. Once registration is complete the Manager will receive their login credentials.
The Manager has full access to all information in the client’s cloud including user, device, and project information. The Manager can register or add existing users, assign user roles (Supervisor or Analyst), remove users, as well as change assigned user roles. To modify a user’s profile, select User from the Side Menu Bar on the screen’s right side. From there the Manager can Register New User, Delete User, view User Info, and Edit User Info. After choosing the desired action, the Manager can enter the user’s email (username) to modify. Additionally, the Manager can limit or grant full access to collected data per user.
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